Through out the 16 years I have been married, there have been many "New Phases" during that time. The first notable one was when all the kids slept through the night.... then came the new phase of not needing to buy any diapers. Whew who!!! Then it was putting all of the baby items away... high chair, crib, baby toys, diaper bag. The next biggest phase came when all of my children were in school all day... what am I going to do? ha ha. And here we are.... the next "New Phase".... Andrew came up to me and needed my keys, yes the keys to the car. WHOA! Where did the time go? He doesn't have his drivers license yet but it is around the corner, and just to put any thoughts out of your heads... he wanted to back the car out of the driveway!! Remember looking forward to doing that? ha ha I am not sure that I am ready for this new phase. Because everyone knows that after cars is girls!! Yikes. He has friends that drive, it is so weird. Help!!